A weekend away for Moni as she attends Grace Levers’ Doers Inner Circle event in Melbourne at the Marvel Stadium. Even though I wasn’t there, I know that Moni had a great time. It’s always good to get away especially when she could catch up with Amanda from our team. We all know that my […]
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Vision Board Workshops
Moni & Sue Ellen held two vision board workshops prior to the Irresistible Impact Retreat in January. They were both a success with 8 ladies attending, and each one leaving with a finished vision board. Days 1767 & 1775 – January 7th & 15th, 2019

Crown Princess Voyage to Iceland Day 2
We woke up to glorious sunshine into the cabin. The obstructed view is really very minimal as you can see from the photos. Moni & I had slept really good as we usually do when at sea. Cruise day 2, at Sea Day 1281 – September 3rd, 2017 Today’s events are always printed […]

How Much Does It Cost To Live In Chile For 10 Weeks?
This travel budget post is another of the ‘cost of living‘ in different countries of the world that we have visited here at EO. It is solely our own interpretation and should be by no means taken as a guide to what YOU may or will spend during any of your visits to the places […]

Finding The Balance Between Work & Play as a Digital Nomad
I’m writing this post about finding the balance between work & play as a digital nomad, with only a couple of days to go before our two month stay in Santiago, Chile is over. It’s been a busy two months for us, however not much sight-seeing. In fact, we’ve been focused on getting things done […]

Lazy Sea Days Are The Best
Day 283 – December 10th, 2014. At Sea “Lazy sea days are the best” This morning we slept in and had room service, tea, juice with some Danish pastries leaving room for a bigger breakfast later. “Complimentary Laundry” Before going to breakfast we sorted and bagged our laundry… No it’s not included in […]

Day At Sea On Celebrity Infinity
Day 278 – December 5th, 2014. At Sea Day 2 At Sea On Celebrity Infinity The alarm woke us at 7.00am for a 8.00am coaching call. After that we had breakfast in the buffet where Moni enjoyed her favourite, cottage cheese and fruits followed by smoked salmon cream cheese and bagels with capers. My favourite […]

Caribbean Cruise on Carnival Splendor
Day 260 – November 17th, 2014. “Caribbean Cruise on Carnival Splendor – at sea, day 2” After enjoying the sailaway yesterday from Miami it was no suprise that we slept well on the very comfortable bed with the cabin door ajar listening to the sea rush by with fresh air in the cabin. Room […]

Carnival Cruise Sailaway From Miami
Carnival Cruise Sailaway From Miami. Day 259 – November 16th, 2014. “Cruise check-in day” We checked out from the hotel in Miami easily and took a cab to the cruise terminal. It was about 20 minutes away and cost $35 or $41 AUD which was not as close as we wanted to be according […]
The Day Before Our Caribbean Cruise #5 This Year
The day before a cruise we generally stay in our digs and take it easy, today we spent all day in and caught up on the blog and some client work. Day 258 – November 15th, 2014. Not much to report today folks… Except we are over excited about the cruise in the morning. We […]