Food Food Glorious Food, The Party in Osaka

Having arrived at Osaka station we then battled the crowds to get to the restaurant where we’d all meet up with Toshi’s friend. We finally make it which is important as this restaurant is very popular and we only have the table for a few hours!!

Day 41 – April 13th continued.

Walk from Osaka station to restaurant

Walk from Osaka station to the restaurant


Arriving at the restaurant we take the lift up to the entrance where we must remove our shoes and store in the lockers provided, this is common practice throughout Japan. Walking to our private dinning room I notice how popular the restaurant is and the displays of food in the window and photo’s on the menu.

The restaurant in Osaka

The restaurant in Osaka


The evening is great and everybody has such a good time.

“It’s times like these that make me really appreciate great friendships”

for it’s often the people around you that bring a place to life, that make an experience so much more profound.

Cheers or Campai

Cheers or Kampai


“Our feast of food in an Osaka restaurant”

Tonight is no exception, in fact so much interaction among each of us, it’s special when a table is shared as well as the food. We indulge in many different food items and of course a few beers as well.

Our feast of food in Osaka restaurant

Our feast of food in Osaka restaurant


Time flies when you have fun and at one stage we are informed that we must vacate within five minutes, thankfully we have had plenty to eat and are ready to move on…

Even more delicious foods

Even more delicious foods


The night is still young and in typical Toshi (Captain) style we head to a wine bar to continue the party. The disappointment of not making the desired destination has long been forgotten and with Big Elle in the capable hands of the engineers at Wakayama she should be ready for the Golden week trip.

Wine bar in Osaka

Wine bar in Osaka


“The wine bar is not so busy when we arrive, that’s about to change”

Nibbles are ordered along with a round of drinks, followed by another, I could keep on but you get the gist of it right.

A group photo at the wine bar in Osaka

A group photo at the wine bar in Osaka


To end the night we bid farewell to Toshi’s friend who must return to the Diamond Princess cruise ship as their cruise is not yet over. After that we finish our drinks and walk back to Osaka station and make our way home, wow what a day.

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