MSC Mediterranean Cruise Debarkation Day in Genoa
Today is the least exciting day of all cruise days, we have to vacate our floating home once again and settle back on land.
EO Day 974 – October 30th 2016.
Genoa, cruise day 8 Debarkation (8am)
The Poesia came alongside at around 7.30am and we were already having breakfast then as we must vacate the cabins by 8am and then wait in our designated areas.

The port of Genoa Italy
We decided that Moni & I would get off at the same time with the oldies so as to help them find their luggage and make sure they get to the coach without any difficulties. We’d love to have had a relaxing morning onboard like we normally do but it’s not so bad this time as we already have a hotel room ready for our early arrival.
Breakfast was a battle as a huge amount of passengers were debarking this morning here in Genoa and people with bags makes the buffet a real headache.
We used up our last coffee vouchers at the buffet bar except the coffee was pretty average 🙁 then we made our way down and off the ship without any hassle. I must say that MSC have the embarkation and debarkation sorted. Once off the ship we made our way to the luggage area and I spotted our bags close to the escalator on the way down which was lucky.
Within a few minutes we were outside and searching among the line of coaches for the one to Switzerland. We’d walked the entire line and found none that were heading that way, Germany, France and other places in Italy but none to the Schweiz!!

Luggage in the cruise terminal, MSC Poesia & the Zerzuben coach in Genoa
We asked one of the staff and her answer was that it’s not due until 11am, obviously she had no idea as it turned up at the end of the line of busses ten minutes later.
We said our goodbyes and the folks got on the right bus while we caught a taxi to the hotel.
That completes our MSC Poesia cruise review – 7 night Mediterranean cruise. Next up I’ll compile a photo tour around the MSC Poesia and then start planning our next cruise 🙂
MSC Poesia Cruise Review – read again 🙂
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