How to Plan Your Hop On Hop Off Bus Trip on Gozo

Planning a Hop on Hop off bus tour around the Maltese island of Gozo? Check out the bus timetable and some of the highlights of Gozo island to help plan your day accordingly.

Buses start and finish at Mgarr Harbour which makes it ideal when visiting the island of Gozo as a day trip from the neighbour island of Malta. Be sure to check the ferry times from Cirkewwa and catch a bus accordingly to get there from wherever you stay on Malta.

Plan a day on Gozo with the Hop on Hop off bus

To help plan your visit to Gozo with the Hop on Hop off big red bus use the timetable below and pick out some of the stops that interest you.

This is a photo from the timetable brochure from our day on Gozo March 2017.

Gozo Hop on Hop off bus timetable

Gozo Hop on Hop off bus timetable


If you plan ahead and want to make even more time from the day and save costs, make a picnic lunch for your group and carry it with you. This will enable you to possibly see and spend more time at the different sights on Gozo. One thing to note is no food can be consumed on the bus 🙂

Hop on Hop off bus starts at Mgarr Harbour

This is a plan that I put together after our trip around the island and believe it will allow you to see the best sights on Gozo. It will also give you the most value and use of the time on the buses to avoid missing out on something.

Start your tour on the first bus of the day at 9.45am from stop #1 Mgarr.

Mgarr harbour on Gozo island Malta

Mgarr harbour on Gozo island Malta


Get off at stop #2 Xewkija, where you could spend 30 – 40 minutes visiting the Rotunda before catching the next bus at 10.40 to Victoria.

Stunning Gozo views towards the Rotunda of Xewkija from the hop on hop off bus

Stunning Gozo views towards the Rotunda of Xewkija from the hop on hop off bus


Get off and stay here stop #4 Victoria from 11am till 12.30 which will allow time for a coffee & cake as well as a walk around the town and a must see visit to the Citadel.

Citadel in Victoria on Gozo

Citadel in Victoria on Gozo


From Victoria catch the 12.30 bus to Dwejra (you could stop at the craft village at Ta’Dbiegi stop #5 but this would take 45 minutes from your day).

Get out at stop #6 Dwejra at 12.45pm and view the Fungus rock maybe even see the Blue hole. This was the home of one of Malta’s famous icons, the Azure Window which collapsed into the sea after storms in March 2017.

Fungus rock on Gozo

Fungus rock on Gozo


Catch the next bus at 13.30 via stop #9 Ta’Pinu & Victoria again on to Xlendi.

Ta'Pinu Shrine on Gozo

Ta’Pinu Shrine on Gozo


Arriving at 14.15 at stop #12 Xlendi ready for lunch. An hour and half should give you just enough time for lunch.

Xlendi Bay on Gozo island

Xlendi Bay on Gozo island


Stay here for a while until 15.45 then catch the bus to Marsalforn stop #14 or Ramla stop #16 where you could take a look around for 30 – 40 minutes before catching the next bus to return to Mgarr at 17.40.

If you are visiting Gozo between April 1st and October 30th then lucky you as you get and extra bus and therefore have another 45 minutes to add another stop somewhere. Possibly the craft village or even spend some extra time in Mgarr.

Gozo island map for Hop on Hop off bus tour

Gozo island map for Hop on Hop off bus tour


There you have it, a pretty planned out day for using the Hop on Hop off sightseeing bus on Gozo. Feel free to change it up and plan your trip as you see fit. One thing to remember is that buses may run late due to traffic and spaces may not be available at peak times.

Use the map above as an aid to help you plan out your day. A quick google search for the places will give you more detail on each spot.

Best plan for Hop on Hop off bus tour on Gozo

There are no guarantees of a seat or that buses will run on time when you visit. Please use this as a possible guide for when you visit and check the schedule when there.

I hope you found this post valuable and wish you a great experience on Gozo whether you use the Hop on Hop off bus or not.

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  1. Hop On Hop Off Bus Trip Around Gozo Island | Entrepreneur's Odyssey - March 17, 2017

    […] With a bus coming by each stop roughly every 45 minutes. You can make best use of your time and plan your Hop on Hop off bus trip on Gozo by using this […]

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    […] did however make a day trip to Gozo island where we enjoyed the Gozo Hop on Hop off bus around the island and were fortunate enough to see the Azure window a week before it […]

  3. Hop On Hop Off Bus Trip Around Gozo Island | Entrepreneur's Odyssey - August 14, 2017

    […] a bus coming by each stop roughly every 45 minutes. You can make best use of your time and plan your Hop on Hop off bus trip on Gozo by using this […]

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