Breakfast at The Snug Cafe on Bowen

Today we tried out the Snug Cafe here on Bowen Island for breakfast and coffee.

Day 118 – June 28th.

The Snug cafe was busy again just like for our first visit that’s for sure, it is most popular with the locals and day tourists alike. It opens early which allows those getting the early ferry to grab some coffee and food while waiting.

The meals are listed on the blackboards and you line up to order and pay.

You can help yourself to the black juice from hell that is the perculated coffee and then pay which seems to be what the regulars do.

Moni found a table and I queued, ordered and payed. The table needed cleaning and we ended up doing it ourselves as the staff were either too busy or whatever…

Snug Cafe for breakfast

Snug Cafe for breakfast


The coffee’s came in take away cups and was average again, not long after followed by our meals.

I had poached eggs with ham and hash browns, Moni had the famous/popular egg, bacon, cheese + more breakfast wrap.

They were both very tastey and plentiful which is what the locals like. We can certainly recomend the meals as ours was great and many others looked fine also, go elsewhere for a coffee though.




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