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Exploring Chinatown in Yokohama

What can you expect when visiting Chinatown in Yokohama. Since 1859 when the first traders came to the port of Yokohama, the Chinese have been settling in the city. Today, Yokohama Chinatown is the largest in Japan and you can find it easily in central Yokohama. Like most ‘Chinatowns’ around the world, you’ll find plenty […]

What is to See at Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse

Down near the port area you’ll find the Yokohama Red Brick Warehouses. These two buildings that you can’t mistake, are totally made from red bricks hence the name. These two buildings used to be the Customs Inspection House’s for Yokohama back in the 1920’s. Today they have been converted into a popular destination for locals & […]

Osanbashi Cruise Terminal Also Known As Osanbashi Pier

Welcome to Osanbashi Yokohama International Passenger Terminal or Osanbashi Pier (大さん橋国際客船ターミナル, Ōsanbashi Kokusai Kyakusen Terminal) in Japanese. (in the photo above, you can see the waterfront Yamashita park area that runs along from the left of the pier and the Yokohama Marine Tower far left) Yokohama is a popular city just a short train ride from Tokyo. Cruise […]

Visiting The Landmark Tower & Sky Garden in Yokohama Japan

When visiting Yokohama for the first time, there are many things that will grab your attention, no more so than the skyline of the city. Like many cities in the world with magnificent skylines, there are usually a few key places that stand out. Yokohama is no different. Immediately you will see the Yokohama Bay […]