Drawings on the wall near Cacabelos
Our Camino – Day 38, Ponferrada to Villafranca Del Bierzo – 25 Kms
Day 38 of Our Camino
Day 563 – September 15th, 2015.

Leaving Ponferrada this morning

Columbrianos on the Camino de Frances, cafe Gran Sol

Low clouds hanging around the mountains near Ponferrada

Walking in the rain between Ponferrada and Villafranca del Bierzo

Fuentes Nuevas on the Camino and the Bar la Ermita

The walk into Cacabelos on the Camino

A stop in Cacabelos for a warm tea before continuing in the rain

Walk like a Pilgrim..

The long walk in the rain for the very wet pilgrims

The wet way on the Camino arriving in Villafranca del Bierzo

Albergue Ave Fenix, one of the oldest Albergue on the Camino

Albergue Ave Fenix, drying out the Pilgrims shoes with newspaper by the fire with Serge

Bunks, bathroom, shower and pillow at Ave Fenix

Pilgrims dinner at Albergue Ave Fenix
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