Our Camino – Day 43, Sarria to Mercadoiro

Sarria is the starting point for many pilgrims doing the last 100Kms to Santiago

Sarria is the starting point for many pilgrims doing the last 100Kms to Santiago


Our Camino – Day 43, Sarria to Mercadoiro – 16.8 Kms

Day 43 of Our Camino

Day 568 – September 20th, 2015.

Just walking past an Albergue in Sarria I spotted this…

Camino lovers... how about this, 1,200Km 45 days

Camino lovers… how about this, 1,200Km 45 days


The countdown begins at Sarria with these markers every half a kilometre

The countdown begins at Sarria with these markers every half a kilometre


The road to nowhere... fog bound

The road to nowhere… fog bound


Pilgrims appear from the fog on the Camino leaving Sarria

Pilgrims appear from the fog on the Camino leaving Sarria


Stunning scenery this morning with the low fog and sun

Stunning scenery this morning with the low fog and sun


This mornings walk was picture perfect except for the hundreds of pilgrims that start from Sarria

This mornings walk was picture perfect except for the hundreds of pilgrims that start from Sarria


Day tripper pilgrims on the way from Sarria

Day tripper pilgrims on the way from Sarria


Sharing the road with lots of pilgrims and cows

Sharing the road with lots of pilgrims and cows


The cafes were over flowing with pilgrims

The cafes were over flowing with pilgrims


100 Kms to go on the Camino de Santiago

100 Kms to go on the Camino de Santiago


Walking a bit further towards Mercadoiro 5Km from Portomarin

Walking a bit further towards Mercadoiro 5Km from Portomarin


Albergue de Mercadoiro on the Camino in Mercadoiro

Albergue de Mercadoiro on the Camino in Mercadoiro


We enjoyed wine, salami and cheese in the sun, Moni making a dreamcatcher & I watched Liverpool

We enjoyed wine, salami and cheese in the sun, Moni making a dreamcatcher & I watched Liverpool





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