Pachinko and Slot Gambling Places in Japan
We slept in this morning feeling rather tired after our recent round trip from Osaka to Takayama, Shirakawago and Kanazawa and back to Osaka which was awesome. Even though we didn’t over do it, sightseeing is tiring.
Day 45 – April 17th, 2014.
First thing was to do all the washing and then start packing the bags ready for our move. Moni had to catch up on some writing and answering email enquiries.
“Gambling in Japan is popular and in most towns you can find Pachinko places”
where you can gamble on slot machines galore. The place is very noisy, as soon as the door opens the quiet sound of street life is buried in gambling machine pings and booms. I had walked past this particular one in the photo nearly everyday and today I decided to venture in, only to take a look. I did record it as I walked in those sliding doors. (i’ll try and load up the video and place it here for you)
It was not packed out at this time of day but it always had somebody coming and going. Pachinko even opens on a Sunday only a bit later than normal. As you can see many come on their bikes and gamble for a while then go again.
I walk a bit further down the street to get some sushi lunch, while I’m there Meiko packs in some tempura from her own lunch (she had made extra). I take this back home and we both enjoy, especially the sweet potato.
This is our second last day in this apartment as we need to move out as our time is up. We have found a room in a hotel reasonably cheap for one week before going sailing during Golden Week.
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