A Relaxing Day at Sea

The Celebrity all lit up

The Celebrity all lit up


Day 289 – December 16th, 2014.

At Sea.

We had a lay in today before a breakfast at the buffet and then into our Flash Mob rehearsal on the celebrity stage. It was a bit confusing considering many had missed the other days, but it was still fun and the time will come soon when we will surprise Esperanza the Cruise Director.

Moni on the stage practice for Flash Mob

Moni on the stage practice for Flash Mob


A quick look in on the Top Chef at sea quick fire challenge which was two teams in pairs squeezing oranges, peeling potatoes, separating eggs and whipping them up, also picking rosemary.

On the Celebrity Millennium we were treated to the first trials of the Top Chef at Sea quick fire challenge and this is very similar. A bit of fun for the guests that want to participate.

Having had a late breakfast we only wanted a small lunch today followed by a coffee.

Lunch salad, coffee & ice cream

Lunch salad, coffee & ice cream


We spent the most of today relaxing on our balcony enjoying the sun and sound of the sea.

View out to sea from our balcony

View out to sea from our balcony


Dinner was fun at Serkan’s table again and the food was tasty with some huge portions tonight.

Dinner in the Trellis on Infinity

Dinner in the Trellis on Infinity


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