Crossing Bering Sea on Celebrity Millennium

Today is the first of many sea day’s coming up until we reach Vancouver on the 25th, and it’s possible that we might experience some choppy waters heading across the Bering Sea. If you have just joined us, this is a continuation of the Tour around the Celebrity Millennium which began 10 days ago.

Day 77 – May 18th.

Cruise Day 10 – Cruising in the Bering Sea

As you can see we are just cruising in to Bering Sea.

In room TV, navigation channel

In room TV, navigation channel


Today was a lazy day, by that I mean we stayed in for most of it. Moni caught up on lots of work and we choose to have dinner in the Oceanview cafe instead of going to the restaurant, we knew that our table companions would not be there as they have a reservation in the Olympic restaurant tonight.

Dinner in the Ocean View Cafe

Dinner in the Ocean View Cafe


The cafe was not very busy at this time which was nice, probably as the show was on, and the main dining room was already in full swing.

Then it was back to the cabin for an early night.


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