Dinner in Qsine Speciality Restaurant on Celebrity Millennium

Tonight was our second dinner in the speciality restaurant Qsine on deck 11 of the Celebrity Millennium.

Day 78 – May 19th.

Cruise Day 11 – Bering Sea

We began the day with breakfast in the Oceanview cafe then onto the art auction for some champagne, and the art of course.

Breakfast, art auction and then coffee

Breakfast, art auction and then coffee


Moni had her hair cut in the Aqua Spa this morning and I went on a photo spree around the ship.

Moni getting her hair cut in the salon on Celebrity Millennium

Moni getting her hair cut in the salon on Celebrity Millennium


Moni was really happy with her new hair style, and I should think so for a whopping $93 US $105 AUD. We relaxed the rest of the afternoon (I needed one). Crazy price for a haircut, even though it does look great.

Moni's new hair style

Moni’s new hair style


Tonight’s show was with comedian Fred Klett, he was nothing special.

We followed the show with dinner in Qsine with Kim & Frank our friends from our main dining room table. This was our second time experiencing Qsine and we tasted as many different dishes as we could, trying not to have the same as on our first visit to Qsine.

Dinner in Qsine with friends

Dinner in Qsine on Celebrity Millennium with friends


Our dishes we sampled were; Spring Rolls, Disco Shrimp, Lava Crab, Painters Mignon, and the Taj Mahal. For dessert it was the create your own cupcake and chocolate tombstone.



After dinner we said goodnight and headed back to the cabin.

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  1. Another Action Packed Day in Estadio, Medellin | Entrepreneur's Odyssey - October 14, 2014

    […] Moni had a great hair cut which only cost $10,000 Peso or $5.65 AUD, a huge difference to the haircut on the cruise for $93 US or $105 AUD on board the Celebrity […]

  2. What To See In One Day In Cartagena, Colombia | Entrepreneur's Odyssey - February 3, 2015

    […] we have eaten at the Qsine restaurant on the Celebrity Millennium twice before and enjoyed the different presentation and […]

  3. The Old City of Dubrovnik With Game of Thrones Merchandise Everywhere | Entrepreneur's Odyssey - July 7, 2015

    […] I paid $16.10 and Moni $21.85 USD but that’s a bargain considering what Moni paid for her hair cut on the Celebrity Millenium in […]

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