Got Our Malaria Tablets Just Incase

Another visit to Peak One medical centre today to get a prescription for some Malaria tablets just incase we need them.

Day 156 – August 5th.

We have had many injections the latest one was just last week, in preparation for this odyssey and decided against the Malaria protection as this is very hit and miss and you are likely to get sick from the medicine. Knowing me and injections, the fewer the better so an easy decision for me.

“Weight, temperature, blood pressure and more were measured and all we wanted was some Malaria tablets”

So the appointment was for 2.30pm and dead on time we were called in…

Weight, temperature, blood pressure and more were measured and all we wanted was some Malaria tablets… Oh well.

Another visit to the medical centre

Another visit to the medical centre


“45 minutes later we are paying the bill, wait for it”

The doctor was very nice and checked each place we named to visit and explained that some malaria tablets don’t work in some places!!! 45 minutes later we are paying the bill, wait for it… $258.00 Holy Cow, I was hoping that included the prescription but no that was to come extra.

That puts the price on par with Australia again. Thank goodness the Hep B injections the other day were cheap.

“a Starbucks, a Wells Fargo bank, a Pharmacy… but NO Heinz baked Beans”

At the supermarket doing some food shopping, would you believe it, this big shop has everything (well not quite) a Starbucks, a Wells Fargo bank, a Pharmacy… but NO Heinz baked Beans, I even asked the supervisor and she checked but came back empty handed. They have a whole stack of baked beans in every flavour you can imagine but no Heinz in tomato sauce, epic fail.

The city market shop in Dillon with no Heinz baked beans

The city market shop in Dillon with no Heinz baked beans


“it’s cheaper to buy Marijuana as it’s legal in the state of Colorado”

After paying for our shopping we waited for the perscriptions to be finished and then picked up the tablets, another $147.78 crazy stuff dudes…

Malaria tablets

Malaria tablets


I reckon it’s cheaper to buy Marijuana here as it’s legal in the state of Colorado… Oh well good job the hour bus journey is FREE.


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  1. Massive Burgers at Ollies Pub in Frisco Before Getting Hep B Injections | Entrepreneur's Odyssey - April 28, 2017

    […] Not sure if anyone can explain why such a huge difference but we’re at a loss. A good loss though and happy to pay that bill. Did I speak to soon, check out our next visit to Peak One medical center […]

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