How to Make Flax Seed Bread Quick and Easy

Making Flax seed bread is very easy and tastes so yummy and is good for you, maybe the perfect bread.

Day 110 – June 20th.

We have been making this Flax seed bread since we arrived on Bowen thanks to Brian & Shasta’s recipe which is so simple and quick to make.

We cook it in a small portable oven one that you would take away in a caravan trip.

(oven photo)

If you have whole flax seeds you need to grind them up first. Blend them in a blender which works well.

Blend the Flax Seeds

Blend the Flax Seeds


Then add the baking powder, salt and sugar or sweetener replacement.

Add the baking powder, salt & sweetener

Add the baking powder, salt & sweetener


Then in the same blender mix up the eggs with the oil.

Blend the eggs & oil

Blend the eggs & oil


Add the egg mix to the flax seeds and combine.

Add the egg mix to the dry mix

Add the egg mix to the dry mix


Pour this into a tray A4 size which has a lip say an inch deep, lined with a sheet of silicone paper that has been lightly greased.

Grease a tray, pour on the mix & spread out

Grease a tray, pour on the mix & spread out


Spread this out evenly and then bake in a preheated oven. It takes about 14 minutes to cook…

Now wash up the few items, it doesn’t take long at all, before you know it the oven will ring and your flax seed bread will be done.

Washing up is very quick

Washing up is very quick… the finished flax seed bread


Allow to cool before storing in the refrigerator.

Cut and store in the refrigerator

Cut and store in the refrigerator


This flax seed bread is gluten free, and will keep for a good few days, that’s if you don’t eat it all.

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