Our Camino – Day 8, Mañeru to Estella

The Camino 2015

The Camino 2015


Our Camino – Day 8, Mañeru to Estella – 16.9 Kms

Day 8 of Our Camino

Day 533 – August 16th, 2015.

Camino images on the way 2015

Camino images on the way 2015


Moni & I walk alone this morning as the girls wanted time for themselves.

Leaving Mañeru early morning we first walk uphill but not for long before reaching the town of Cirauqui.

Cirauqui or Zirauki on the Camino 2015

Cirauqui or Zirauki on the Camino 2015


The way takes us slightly down to the Rio Salado before going up again to Lorca. It’s less than 100 metre up and down but believe me even these small inclines hurt. Plus, the way can be a bit tricky in places, even more so for those with bikes.

The way on the Camino after Cirauqui 2015

The way on the Camino after Cirauqui 2015


Walking the Camino between Lorca & Villatuerta

Walking the Camino between Lorca & Villatuerta


In Lorca we stopped for lunch in the Albergue on the right hand side of the street. Antonio had told us to stop here and enjoy the best Tortilla’s.

Albergue de Lorca on the right hand side of the street walking the Camino 2015

Albergue de Lorca on the right hand side of the street walking the Camino 2015


It was true, the Tortilla’s were delicious, we could have eaten more than one piece, but we also enjoyed freshly pressed orange juice and a couple of coffee’s which were also very good. Yes you did read that right.

This could be the longest pilgrim credential for the Camoino

This could be the longest pilgrim credential for the Camino


On the wall is what could be the longest Camino credential ever. That pilgrim collected a lot of stamps, not sure if he stayed in every place or just got the stamps, either way it’s a long credential.

On the way to Villatuerta on the Camino 2015

On the way to Villatuerta on the Camino 2015


After our break for a late breakfast, early lunch we continued on. The scenery changing as we go, like your own little movie with different scenes every time you take a look.

Walking the Camino in 2015

Walking the Camino in 2015


Colours of the Camino

Colours of the Camino


San Miguel on the Camino way 2015

San Miguel on the Camino way 2015


Estella is a larger town, or city with around 14,000 people.

The walk into Estella on the Camino 2015

The walk into Estella on the Camino 2015


Estella on the Camino 2015

Estella on the Camino 2015


The place is welcoming and has a good amount of Albergue’s. We find our accommodation for the night and shower and wash before heading out for another meal.

Hospital Peregrinos in Estella on the Camino 2015

Hospital Peregrinos in Estella on the Camino 2015


Next up we take a walk around Estella, I know, it must sound strange that even after 17 ks we’d want to walk some more exploring the city. Actually we are not feeling too bad, sure enough, Moni still has blisters, but I seem to be pain free.

Estella images 2015

Estella images 2015


Estella images on the Camino 2015

Estella images on the Camino 2015


Estella - Lizarra on the Camino 2015

Estella – Lizarra on the Camino 2015


While walking around Estella we decide to have an early dinner before heading back to the hostel.

Estella staion restaurant on the Camino

Estella station restaurant on the Camino


Outside our place we spotted this group of pilgrims who have been walking with a small kitten. Somehow they manage to smuggle it into the Albergue for the night.

Kitten on the Camino 2015

Kitten on the Camino 2015


Camino costs

  • Coffee, juice & tortilla 10.40
  • Coffee 2.40
  • Lunch 17.30
  • Dinner & beer 14.40
  • Accommodation in Estella 12.00

Total for today is 56.50 Euro. 28.25 each for day 8 of our Camino.



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