Sailing From Arikawa to Dejima Port in Nagasaki
The last leg of our ten day Golden Week sailing adventure begins today with a sail from Arikawa to Dejima Wharf in Nagasaki.
Day 63 – May 5th.
A fine breakfast of the gifted Zopf style bread and Marmalade plus salad begins the day.
We leave the port of Arikawa waving goodbye to new friends.
The sailing was good with the wind and we are sailing quite fast as the tide is with us.
When arriving at Dejima tieing up took awhile, I guess as the desired moring was already taken even though Toshi had booked it. Big Elle will stay here until this time next year, uless they manage to find time to take her out for a sail before then.
After securing the yacht with the help of Mr… who owns the motor boat in the photo and the harbour master, we clean up the yacht, scrubing the decks, conecting the power, packing away any loose items into the hold.
Evening comes and it’s dinner time, tonight we eat at a pizza place with a view to the harbour which was Moni’s choice.
The Dejima harbour is very pretty at night and stays lit up all the time to attract people to the area. The restaurants along the parade are all busy and we have to wait for a table.
It was worth waiting for and we all enjoy a mix of pizza and antipasto items with red wine and beer. Unfortunately they run out of Tiramisu so no desert but coffee instead.
After that it’s an easy stroll back to the yacht, for a few more drinks and a good time to celebrate the past ten days.
Back at the yacht we party some more, then it’s off to bed.
The final map.

The final leg of the sailing adventure, once again thanks to Toshi and his Big Elle Blog
Arikawa depart at 10:40 – Dejima 43Nautical Miles arrive at 16:40
Please follow the Big Elle blog to see many more photos of our sailing adventure during Golden Week.
This is what you can expect from Captain’s blog, images like this, Toshi’s first Selfie…

Captains first Selfie
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