A Visit to Tunstall Bay Beach on Bowen Island

With the Bowen Island weather being so nice we decided to go for a drive on the scooters to the beach today, and a visit to town.

Day 120 – June 30th.

A wonderful health breakfast at home before heading in to town for coffee

A wonderful health breakfast at home before heading in to town for coffee


Even though Bowen is a nice place it still has it’s smoking dragons that are disgusting pigs… I don’t think I can ever look at smokers in a good light. They should be made to pay even more and then some, for the privilege to sit and smoke in public areas.

We fuel up at the only gas station on the island for five bucks in Moni’s scooter, mine is electric.

Bowen Island fuel - gas station

Bowen Island fuel – gas station


Next we have a short drive to the beach which is not far from home either. It’s a pebble beach with seaweed on the shoreline. A few people are sunning themselves and a couple with their canoes are out.

Tunstall Bay Beach on Bowen Island

Tunstall Bay Beach on Bowen Island


Back home we go and there we tend to the garden and pick some bounty to enjoy, nothing beats home grown produce that’s for sure.

The garden at Brian & Shasta's

The garden at Brian & Shasta’s


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