Colourful Parque Lleras, Cafe Pergamino and Sushi World

Friends of ours had recommended Parque Lleras just down from Poblado in Medellin as a place to go and check out. So today we did just that, we took a bus from Envigado to Parque Lleras and spent a few hours there.

Day 208 – September 26th, 2014.

“Parque Lleras by bus from Envigado”

We made our way to Parque Lleras by bus from Envigado, but got off a bit to early and then took a taxi just up and around a few corners to reach Cafe Pergamino which we had been recommended to go for a good coffee.

Once you past the church in the top right corner of this photo turn right and Parque Lleras is just up that road.

Images on the way to Parque Lleras

Images on the way to Parque Lleras


“Cafe Pergamino in Parque Lleras is very popular”

It was a nice day and we sat outside and enjoyed our coffees. Cafe Pergamino is very popular and well established as the place to go for great coffee in the Poblado area.

We asked it they made ‘flat white’ and the lady went on to explain that the ‘cappuccino’ is what we are wanting, after a few clarifying questions we ordered two cappuccino… The cappuccino at cafe Pergamino is NOT actually a cappuccino as we know it. It is a double shot of coffee with textured milk and no froth, really it is a flat white, but hey we got what we wanted.

Cafe Pergamino in Parque Lleras Medellin

Cafe Pergamino in Parque Lleras Medellin


“Cappuccino, but not as you know it”

Don’t think I have lost the plot when I post the photo saying we enjoyed our cappuccino at cafe Pergamino when they don’t look like a cappuccino. The coffee was very good and we could easily see why it has a good following.

Pergamino coffee 'capuchino'

Cafe Pergamino coffee ‘cappuccino’


We had a chocolate muffin as well which was disappointing, dry as… But all the beverages looked great that we saw being consumed by the crowd of coffee addicts. The place has a great outside patio with lots of space and also and inside area aswell.

The internet is obviously very good here as nearly every table had a device, clearly Apple was the stand out computer. If you want to drink good coffee in Medellin and are near Poblado in the Parque Lleras area then you can’t pass up a visit to Cafe Pergamino.

Location & Contact

Carrera 37 8A – 37 (Via Primavera),
0000 Medellín, Antioquia

Phone; 268644

Open times

Monday to Friday 8:00 am – 9:00 pm
Saturday 9:00 am – 9:00 pm

“Colourful Parque Lleras near Poblado”

The Parque Lleras area is very trendy and the shops reflect that, the prices are higher than in other places and it has a sort of boutique feel about it. After some window shopping and the odd purchase we found a sushi place for lunch in perfect timing aswell as a storm was just hitting.

Parque Lleras in Medellin

Parque Lleras in Medellin


“Sushi World for lunch”

The weather can change here quite quick and lucky for us we could enjoy lunch while watching the storm pass from the balcony of Sushi World.

Sushi World in Parque Lleras

Sushi World in Parque Lleras


The menu is quite extensive and expensive, however the sushi was very nice. The good thing is that it was 30% off today. Even better is a 50% discount on Tuesday and Thursday.

Location & Contact

Carrera 77 N 39 – 72,
Medellín, Antioquia

Phone; 4449952

Open times

Monday to Thursday 12:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Friday to Saturday 12:00 pm – 11:00 pm
Sunday 12:00 pm – 10:00 pm

“On a nicer day we shall return”

Once the rain had almost stopped we made our way back to the main road to catch a bus back to Envigado. Parque Lleras has some really wonderful colourful buildings and on a nicer day we shall return.

Colourful Parque Lleras in Medellin

Colourful Parque Lleras in Medellin


The bus ride home was stop and go all the way as the roads were very busy due to the wet weather, but at least we made it home nice and dry.

The Envigado bus from and to Poblado

The Envigado bus from and to Poblado


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  1. Cafe Velvet in Parque Lleras Medellin | Entrepreneur's Odyssey - February 1, 2015

    […] if you want a better coffee, order a cappuccino from Pergamino, it’s more like a flat white that us Australians […]

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