Finding The Balance Between Work & Play as a Digital Nomad

I’m writing this post about finding the balance between work & play as a digital nomad, with only a couple of days to go before our two month stay in Santiago, Chile is over. It’s been a busy two months for us, however not much sight-seeing. In fact, we’ve been focused on getting things done more than taking in the sights.

Living location Independent

That’s the thing with living location Independent, you have to find the balance between work and play business and pleasure, call it what you want, but without having a balance things can, and will, go belly up.

If you don’t know, Moni, the other half of EO is the $$$ machine behind our nomad lifestyle. Thanks to Moni and her online business, we can travel the world and enjoy life on our terms, no alarm clocks, no phone calls from the boss, on your so-called day off.

Fueled by discipline and darn hard work

Sure, we have days where we must bunker down and work hard, but you do that for an employer, right. Why should it be different doing it for your self? In reality, it should be easier for people like us, to turn it on when needed, to blank out the gorgeous surroundings and forget about all the sights, that wait for our eyes to see and our foot prints to leave behind.

Digital nomads office, working location Independant

Digital nomads office, working location Independant


Times like this can be hard, and discipline is needed to stay focused on the big picture. The odyssey as a whole, not just a two month holiday, or stay-over in exotic locations. No, this is our life, our future, our existence. This dream that we live is fueled, not by wishful thinking or lucky casino wins or donations from rich parents… No, it’s fueled by discipline and darn hard work.

In the black hole of suburbia

Don’t get the wrong picture, we havent just secured an apartment and thrown away the key, living off home delivery pizza. Hell no, we’ve certainly enjoyed our time in Santiago, and like I said, we see the big picture, the bigger dream. Yes, there are lots of sights to see here, much we will have to leave for another visit, but here’s the thing…

That other visit is not at the whim of the government, stipulating our measly four week vacation, it’s not up to the dreaded manager that decides when it’s best for the business, that you can maybe go away, and no, we don’t have to plan for those precious days years in advance.

See, that’s what some people just don’t get. The “system“, has so many folks shackled to their existence, so diminished are their dreams, that they are thankful for the glimpsing moments of time off, that it becomes their only lifeline in the black hole of suburbia.

The projects are in full swing

For the past two months, Moni has sat nearly everyday at her laptop and bashed those keys. I don’t just mean Facebook updates and 140 character tweets, I’m talking products, launches, books, coaching programs, client coaching sessions, online courses, the list goes on, not to mention the copywriting projects.

Anyway, it’s safe to say that even though these two months have been huge, we are now set up for the year ahead. The projects are in full swing, the courses are live and clients are overjoyed. Oh and the bank account is hot.

So, if you ever wondered what it’s like to live Location Independent, from country to country, apartment to apartment, let me set things straight, it’s not all fun and games, bright lights and exotic beaches, It takes hard work and discipline. Only then do the rewards come…

The independant lifestyle rewards

Next up for us, a week in Mendoza and two weeks in Buenos Aires before a three-week cruise to Venice… did somebody say it’s hard work and discipline.

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  1. 10 Things To See In Santiago | Entrepreneur's Odyssey - March 9, 2015

    […] The biggest challenge for most full-time travelers is finding the balance between work and play as a digital nomad. […]

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