Penny & Fred Stop by to Wish us a Wonderful Future

Tomorrow we leave Keystone and Summit County after spending the past month here and fly to Fort Lauderdale for just two nights before heading off to our next odyssey destination Medellin in Colombia.

Day 167 – August 16th.

When we stayed with Penny & Fred at their place in Loveland a while back which we booked through AirBnB we connected really well and have stayed in contact since. We knew that they would be in Breckenridge today and that there might be a chance that we’d hook up.

“Penny & Fred were on their way to Keystone”

The phone rang this morning and sure enough Penny & Fred were on their way to Keystone to catch up for a coffee for one last time. A quick walk from our place on another glorious day, past some flowers in full bloom and we we’re there.

Flowers in Keystone

Flowers in Keystone


We met in River Run village and spend a great couple of hours together, walking through the village where there was some sort of kids party event going on and they have a foam pit filling up I almost got in.

If only I'd really jump in

If only I’d really jump in


We spend time enjoying our coffees and conversations, these guys are awesome, outgoing, happy and generous folks.

Having fun with Penny & Fred in Keystone

Having fun with Penny & Fred in Keystone


We really appreciate them taking the time out today to visit, that’s what real friends do, thanks guys, we will always remember you, especially now we each have a sheriff’s hat to photo with and share, lol.

The Sheriff's in town

The Sheriff’s are in town


Looking forward to our next meet up somewhere in the great outdoors.

River Run Village in Keystone

River Run Village in Keystone


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