Shopping in Envigado at a Supermarket

Our first morning in Envigado and we walk to a supermarket to get some supplies. There are many cafes, bars, and lots of shoe shops around here, a couple of billiard cafe/ bar places, a few bakery shops also a few lotto ticket booths all at first glance.

Day 172 – August 21st.

Our place where we are staying is on the fourth floor of a building in the town centre just around the corner from park Envigado. From the balcony we can see the street below with lots of action all day long.

The view directly out from our balcony at Park Place in Envigado

The view directly out from our balcony at Park Place in Envigado


Heading out we walk left and take the next left and up that street passing a few shops and cafes, bars etc until we find a supermarket. (there is a closer supermarket).

Looking left and right from the balcony of Park Place

Looking left and right from the balcony of Park Place


We grab a trolly and walk around picking a few items that we recognise and some that we don’t, at the meat counter Moni is welcomed by a guy that spoke broken English and was very happy to see us, I order some mince over the counter by pointing and other hand signals for how much I want, there are lots and lots of butchers about 8 of them all having fun watching as I order.

Shopping in Envigado supermarket

Shopping in Envigado supermarket


The shop itself has lots of staff, each isle at least three workers filling shelves and security guards walking around. Eventually we check out and pay with my card, very few people speak English and we manage to get it all sorted.

Then we walk back to our place and have something to eat.

Street images from Envigado

Street images from Envigado


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