The Brass Goes Home

Today Moni’s sister has to return home. It’s been a great time but as usual far to short and time flies when having fun.

Day 201 – September 19th, 2014.

The worst thing about this morning was having to get up so early.

The flight was at 7.22 pm and being international you must be at the airport two hours before the flight. The drive would be an hour from Envigado and Maurizio picked us up at 4:00 am in total darkness.

We arrived on time and tried out some strong Colombian coffee, yes the black juice… while waiting for Brass to check-in.

Saying goodbye to Brass

Saying goodbye to Brass


Check-in was easy for Brass, and she didn’t have to pay tax when leaving Colombia. We will need to as we are here for longer than 60 days and the fee is $68,000 Peso or $38 USD which has to be paid at the TAX counter before check-in (see top right photo) which is near the big departure door opposite the United check-in desks.

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