What Does it Cost to Spend 6 Months in Alicante Spain

Recently somebody asked me what does it cost to spend 6 months* in Alicante? I always have a rough idea what our spend is while globe-trotting, but have never shared these details.

what does it cost to spend 6 months in Alicante Spain

what does it cost to spend 6 months in Alicante Spain


I had been thinking for a while now that we should give you the lowdown on what it costs us to spend our life of travel with you all. So to kick it all off we’ll start with what it costs to spend just under 6 months on the Costa Blanca in Alicante, Spain.

These are the specific costs for Alicante and don’t include our fixed costs for traveling.

First of all let me fill you in a bit on our daily lifestyle… we both eat reasonably healthy foods (no fast foods) lots of green veggies, vegetarian for Moni and some various meats etc for me.

We love to have coffee’s and drinks out and about even breakfast & lunch but not that often dinner while here.

Alicante is excellent for walking or bicycle around town and included in our costs is the purchase of two new road bikes. We also included a weekend trip to Barcelona in the costs. To see a more detailed look at our life in Alicante, follow that link to my huge post where I mention lots of the things and places we experienced. 🙂

The figures below are what we spent while in Alicante. Not included is the travel expense to get there. Our flight to Alicante from Southampton cost $473.04 with Flybe.

OK, the figures are in AUD and were converted at the daily rate using XE app (give or take a few days) For my American friends, use the XE app or OANDA.com

All up we spent a total of $10,920.64

(*we were a total of 174 days in Alicante, just 6 days short of six months).

That equates to $31.38 per person per day.

Broken down into;

  • Accommodation through AirBnB $4,509.85  only AUD  that is $26.07 per/person/night
  • General food & everyday shopping $2,400.18  –  €1615.83
  • Eating-drinking out $1,600.17   –  €1078.07
  • Various transport $398.24   –  €272.05
  • SIM card, WiFi Internet $258.34   –  €177.92
  • Other Misc $1,753.86   –  €1165.19

Other Miscellaneous includes items like; bikes, haircuts, some new clothes, reading & sun glasses, kitchen blender, Bose speaker, shaver etc.

How much does it cost to spend 6 months living in Alicante, Spain

Each place we stay at, the costs are different depending on what we find practical to do, and the extra things we might get up to. For example, the purchase of the bikes and Bose speaker are not things we’d do in each place, where as, most of the general living is pretty consistent.

We are also mindful that we cannot possibly carry anything extra in our luggage and if we need something new, something old must give way or else it gets left behind or maybe sold as was the case with the bikes.

The daily spend per person for Alicante was $31.38 AUD which is really very good and probably one of our best value places since we cruised away from Brisbane back in March 2014. Don’t forget we have to account for the fixed costs that are always there like Netflix, Telstra, Insurance etc. You can see the our fixed costs here. (coming soon)

Obviously we never have the same costs each place we stay at, and so it’s difficult to say what or where would be the cheapest or most expensive place, but as a guide these figures are very accurate.

Disclaimer – Always take a look at your lifestyle and work out what your expenses are before you sell up and head off because I bet your’s and our lifestyles are totally different and likewise our budgets 🙂

Let us know in the comments below if you’re interested in posts like this and how it compares with a typical 6 month spend in your neck of the woods.

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  1. Life in Alicante, Spain | Entrepreneur's Odyssey - January 25, 2017

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