A Day at Home Writing

Today was basically a stay at home day and write. Sometimes you just need to immerse yourself in a project and really get to know the client and their dream client to be able to congruently and accurately write to that person on a special level that just doesn’t come without getting in the zone.

Day 24 – March 27th, 2014.

With that being said, there is not much to report on from today. It is important for us and the longevity of out location Independent lifestyle that we manage to create a balance between work and play. It would be very easy to just go galavanting off around the globe and have a blast, but we are committed to this lifestyle and that requires focus and serious discipline.

Some things we will have to miss out on when it comes to wanting to visit some wonderful sight seeing spots, but the way I look at it is… We are not missing out at all, we are fortunate and grateful to be able to enjoy what we are able to and also we will return.

Tonights dinner was sushi take away from Meiko & Nishimori and while Moni was there she was given some warming heat pads from a stranger who was in the shop talking with Mieko. The Japanese people are very generous.

Sushi dinner take away and warming pads for colds

Sushi dinner take away and warming pads for colds


The way that Meiko wraps up the sushi is done each time the same and to perfection, the paper and string is cut to the exact size, and wrapped up very neat and like a gift.

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