Fishing Near Coffin Bay

Lucky for us, our good friend has the perfect boat for fishing and with the weather just right we spent a few hours bobbing about on the water.

Day 1687 – 18th October 2018

The boat ramp at Dutton Bay is so handy to launch for the locals and those from Coffin Bay. But it does need a bit of TLC.

Perfect day for fishing

Perfect day for fishing


On weekends it is quite a busy place, but during the week you could be the only one here.

We left the bay on very calm waters, the only ripples caused from our own wash. Here you can see the Mt Dutton Bay Jetty & Woolshed behind, both are heritage listed.

Plenty of sunscreens applied as the reflection of the water will speed up the burn rate.

Mt Dutton Bay Woolshed & Jetty

Mt Dutton Bay Woolshed & Jetty


After a few minutes under full throttle, we reach a spot and put out our lines.

Almost instantly Moni has a bite and reals in the first catch of the day. Not long after another and another. Whereas I’m not so fortunate.

The action died down and we change to another spot. Here it’s a fish feeding frenzy and we catch our quota in no time at all, well a few hours maybe, (for sure).

Suddenly Moni feels she’s hooked a bigger than normal fish, her line is tight, yet still moving. She let’s out a little extra line and then begins to real it in…

Moni's big catch

Moni’s big catch


Eventually not feeling any movement on the end our friend takes over only to real in a large soft rock thing, so much for the big fish but we did have a great laugh.

Sure enough, though another boat wants to fish in the exact same spot, crazy I know, but that’s exactly how it was. Anyway, after a few close calls, they decided it best to move on. Strange, that with so much water and fishing spots that they want to be in your spot.

We had our catch and in we motored. We gave them a tumble wash for a couple of minutes which takes the scales off.

The sunken boat at Dutton Bay

The sunken boat at Dutton Bay


Be careful not to hit the sunken boat that lies just under the water at Dutton Bay.

We pulled alongside and winched the boat back on to the trailer ready to lift out of the water.

A good spray down and off to fillet the fish we go.

Fish to fillets

Fish to fillets

As you can see, we had a decent catch and after a while, all were clean and ready to bag up, except those for tonight’s dinner, but first up is a cold beer and a fish sarny.

Fresh line caught Salmon Trout sandwich

Fresh line caught Salmon Trout sandwich


Now that’s what I call a fresh fish meal 🙂

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