Kamikamagarishima to Tokuyama Sailing on Big Elle
This moring it was very calm as we leave Miyamori Port and make our way to Tokuyama. The sun is slowly breaking through the fog in patches but before we set sail we have a strong cup of coffee.
Day 58 – April 30th.
Leaving Kamikamagarishima in fog and dead calm waters was quite something, no sound apart from us as we motor slowly out of port.
Visiblity was not good and we must keep a good look out, captain puts together a contraption that reflects sound in foggy situations (a radar reflector) to enhance the vessel’s Radar Cross Section.
We encounter our first bridge of the day with reasonable visibility and safely navigate our path under it and with the sea still calm we enjoy breakfast of scrambled eggs, croisants and rice.
We must stay very alert to any sound or visual object that we can pick up from afar. The fog actually becomes thicker at this stage and captain sounds the horn at regular intervals until the fog lifts to a better visibility.

The fog thickens and we must hit dead slow, sounding the horn every few minutes, passing Hashirajima
The morning is calm and we don’t pass any other vessels in our path thankfully.
I’m keen to keep a good eye out and it becomes aware that my distance vission is very good and from that point on I’m given the binoculars to keep a look out.
The second bridge of the day is the Suo bridge and as we pass under it the whirlpools become apparant which captain must navigate well.
I begin to prepare lunch, another Swiss dish this time “Cheese Fondue”. Yumi & Take had sourced some packets of cheese fondue mix and I just put it together. We all enjoyed it and Moni had to explain the fondue rules regarding the bread pieces, stirring in a figure 8 action and not to loss the bread.
The third bridge for today and this one looks lower than the others, captain goes slow and determines the highest point of the bridge and we safely pass underneath, maybe high tide would have been closer for sure.
Soon enough though are day of sailing slower than normal comes to an end as we dock alongside another vessel in Tokuyama. As it is low tide the plank to get from boat to land is very steep and one must go on all fours. Moni takes a short movie of our entry in to the harbour before recording the details of the trip.
Another friend of Toshi was waiting for us to arrive and helped guide us to the place where we could dock for the night. To get off of Big Elle we must traverse two other boats. Once we are secure and the refuelling and fresh water was taken on, celebrations begin and Moni & I prepare “paella” for dinner of which all was eaten and enjoyed very much.
This is the update on the map of todays trip.

The update from Captain’s map, thanks to Toshi’s blog
Kamikamagarishima depart at 06:45 – Obatakeseto 35Nautical Miles 11:20 ~ Tokuyama 35.2Nautical Miles arrive at 16:05
[…] “zürcher geschnetzeltes” for those that are in the know, we did think about doing a Swiss fondue like the one we made while sailing in the Japan inland sea on board the yacht Big […]
[…] “zürcher geschnetzeltes” for those that are in the know, we did think about doing a Swiss fondue like the one we made while sailing in the Japan inland sea on board the yacht Big […]