Korean Dinner with Toshi, Yumi, Guchi and Take

A visit to a Korean restaurant for a cook it yourself dinner with Toshi and friends.

Day 27 – March 30th, 2014.

We got up late after a good nights sleep.

“Yesterday we were gifted a small bread bun from a total stranger on the subway”

Both Moni & I had seats in the carriage and it was busy. A Japanese lady older than us got on and I got up to offer her my seat which she gratefully accepted. I continued to stand all the way (about 7 stops no big deal). As she was getting ready to leave the train at the next station she reached into her bag and handed Moni this bread bun with some words in Japanese, Moni was trying to say there was no need but the Japanese lady insisted.

Very unexpected, we are experiencing such wonderful hospitality here in Japan.

Another gift, this time a bread bun from a Japanese lady on the subway

Another gift, this time a bread bun from a Japanese lady on the subway


We caught up on some work whist eating that bread with a cup of tea before heading out for a bigger bite to eat. We share a bowl of noodles as the meal size here are generous and often one is plenty for us both.

Then we stroll through the Sembayashi-omiya shopping arcade and pop in a shop where we get to sample lots of different things whilst sat at a small table, we eventually purchase a couple of snack items to eat on the next train journey.

“Crepes for Moni in the busy Sembayashi-omiya arcade”

Our stroll takes us past a creperie where Moni has to indulge, I’m not a big fan of crepes but oh yes they are yummy. We pass a beggar or homeless man and I give him five bucks, he is grateful I think, at least he can go and get a bowl of noodles and a drink…

Crepes for Moni

Crepes for Moni in the busy Sembayashi-omiya arcade


We head back home to get ready to go out to meet Toshi & Yumi for dinner.

We take the subway to Hirano and Toshi met us from the station. It’s then a short walk to a restaurant which serves Korean food.

“Tongue, beer, onion all went well together”

Tongue, beer, onion

Tongue, beer, onion all went well together


We meet up with two other friends and have a very enjoyable evening eating lots of new things and drinking beers.

Korean bbq dinner

Korean bbq dinner

“It was a real mix of foods, from hot bbq it yourself to cold bowls of soup”

Mixed korean dishes

Mixed korean dishes


“Some of which we didn’t like, these were the ‘offal’ parts, you don’t want to know!!”

Images from Korean dinner

Images from Korean dinner


“coffee and cakes that Gucci brought back from Kobe”

After a good few hours and very full bellies we head out this time back to Toshi place for coffee and cakes that Gucci brought back from Kobe.

Various cakes from Kobe thanks to Guchi

Various cakes from Kobe thanks to Guchi


Just leaving us time to walk to the subway to make our way back home. Boy what a great night.

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