Oshima to Hirado With a Brief Stop at Yobuko.

This morning we say goodbye to Mrs Také, who returns to Osaka today, Také is a lovely lady and we shared many funny moments together, looking forward to seeing her again in the future.

Day 61 – May 3rd.

Saying goodbye to Také before we depart from Oshima and head to Hirado, we have just under 60 nautical miles to travel.

Breakfast before saying goodbye to Take

Breakfast before saying goodbye to Také


Breakfast was very tasty cheese on toast with fresh basil, I could have eaten five of them for sure they were that yummy.

The day started just like yesterday with a continuation of barrage from waves caused by a swell.

The day began with a big swell again but thankfully it calmed down

The day began with a big swell again but thankfully it calmed down


Thankfully it calmed down after about an hour and was reasonably smooth sailing from then. That gave Captain the opportunity to allow Moni to take the helm of Big Elle and guide us to very near the destination, well done to Moni as she did an awesome job keeping course and watching out for obstacles.

Thankfully the waters did calm down and that gave Captain the opportunity to allow Moni to take the helm

Thankfully the waters did calm down and that gave Captain the opportunity to allow Moni to take the helm


With the calmer waters around Tom managed to get some shut eye before we reached Yobuko, the island famous for its squid.

The calmer waters allowed for some much needed sleep before reaching Yobuko

The calmer waters allowed for some much needed sleep before reaching Yobuko


The Yobuko squid are clear, long and thin. At the market come shop here they sold many fish and seafood items and we purchased some for our lunch.

Yobuko is famous for the clear squid

Yobuko is famous for the clear transparent squid


The tanks have many live squid and other fish but it’s the transparent squid that Captain wants to enjoy. We also bought some familiar sushi that we knew we’d enjoy. On trying the squid it was very tender and easy to eat, I’m not a huge squid fan but this was fine.

Look how clear that squid is

The famous transparent squid from Yobuko, look how clear the squid is


We purchase some ice creams before heading back to the yacht, which was alongside just around the corner from the markets.

A great brief stop at Yubuko

A great brief stop at Yubuko


We sail away from Yobuko all pleased that we made that Captain decided to make a brief stop here. It’s not long before Captain hands the helm over to Moni again which allows him to take a nap, that is great respect to Moni and her conscious ability to navigate the yacht onwards.

leaving Yobuko in calm waters, Moni at the front, and then at the helm

leaving Yobuko in calm waters, Moni at the front, and then at the helm while captain takes a nap


Captain takes back the helm to navigate the narrow entry to the port of Hirado after Moni did a great job. Hirado castle stands proud over the bay on this clear warm afternoon. Mr Guchi is at the port waiting for us, he traveled from Osaka today to meet up with Big Elle for the rest of the trip.

Arriving in Hirado

Arriving in Hirado


We dock alongside and soon after one of Toshi’s old school friends meets us and later takes us to a fine restaurant for dinner.

Hirado port

Hirado port


But not before we have a bath at the Hirado Wakigawa Hotel, here the baths are very nice and we spend about 30 minutes relaxing. This bath also has an outside bath with views to the surrounds, it is cold in the shade but in the bath it’s very hot, I realy liked that bath.

Hirado Wakigawa Hotel where we enjoy a wonderful bath

Hirado Wakigawa Hotel where we enjoy a wonderful bath


After bathing we then head to dinner at a favourite place of Toshi’s friend.

Dinner in Hirado

Dinner in Hirado


The food was delicious again even though some of it we didn’t try (intestines) Japan has many different foods that’s for sure.

Dinner images with Gucchi

Dinner images with Guchi cooking. Also the bottom left picture is the Japanese saying Ichi Go Ichi E which means one meeting one chance


Next was a walk to Toshi’s friends Karaoke bar for a sing along.

A walk down the streets of Hirado past a few eateries, better not look to closely

A walk down the streets of Hirado past a few eateries, better not look to closely


I know what you’re thinking, John and singing right, I totally get you but I’d like to report I did have plenty of applause.

Karaoke singing

Karaoke singing in Hirado


It was an awesome evening of fun and laughter was enjoyed by all of us, before making our way back to Big Elle in the early hours.

The map from today’s trip.

From to Yokubo then on to Hirado, check out more photo’s on the Big Elle blog

Oshima depart at 09:15 – Whistle 14:00 = 15:05 – Hirado 58.3Nautical Miles arrive at 17:40 

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