Lunch at Restaurante El Supremo in Envigado

At the corner of a busy intersection in Envigado you will find restaurante El Supremo with its 18 seats and tiny kitchen. But don’t let that put you off, this place is busy every day and it’s pretty normal to see loyal guests waiting for the next available seat.

Days 211-215 – 29th September – 3rd October, 2014.

This past week we have been very busy with our Spanish lessons in the morning and the tarea (homework) in the afternoon, not forgetting the writing and creating of products that Moni is high in demand for.

Unfortunately this hasn’t left much time for sight-seeing, but that’s not a problem, don’t forget this is not a holiday it’s a lifestyle. One where we call the shots and make our choices each day, and some days we need to knuckle down and get things done.

As the late Jim Rohn once said, “you can pay the price of regret or the price of discipline, either way you must pay” the question is which will you pay?

Anyway, aside from all the fun and creating that Moni absolutely loves doing, I have to pull her away from the computer (I think if she could she’d take it to bed with her) to go out and enjoy our lunches at a local restaurant.

“Lunch at Restaurante El Supremo”

This is a selection from this week, I hope you enjoy.

Lunch at Restaurante El Supremo 29/09/14

Lunch at Restaurante El Supremo 29/09/14


Lunch at Restaurante El Supremo 30/09/14

Lunch at Restaurante El Supremo 30/09/14


Lunch at Restaurante El Supremo 1/10/14

Lunch at Restaurante El Supremo 1/10/14


Lunch at Restaurante El Supremo 2/10/14

Lunch at Restaurante El Supremo 2/10/14


Lunch at Restaurante El Supremo 3/10/14

Lunch at Restaurante El Supremo 3/10/14

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  1. Restaurant El Supremo in Envigado | Entrepreneur's Odyssey - October 16, 2014

    […] Restaurante El Supremo is open Monday to Saturday from 11:30 am till 6:00 pm. Here you can see a few more samples of the weeks menu De Dia.  […]

  2. Lunch at Pipelon in Envigado | Entrepreneur's Odyssey - October 16, 2014

    […] $4.20 AUD for juice soup and main plate. Even though it’s not as exciting as the menu de dia from Restaurante El Supremo, it is still great […]

  3. Lunch at Pipelon in Envigado | Entrepreneur's Odyssey - April 28, 2017

    […] AUD for juice soup and main plate. Even though it’s not as exciting as the menu de dia from Restaurante El Supremo, it is still great […]

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