Dinner Out At Asados Bartolos in Envigado, Medellin

We were both carried away on the laptops bashing the keys that we totally forgot about dinner, that happens when your head is deep into a project you block out all distractions and just focus.

Day 177 – August 26th, 2014.

So once one of us breaks out from the deep concentration and discovers that hunger has set in and it’s already 9pm gone we have two choices, go out and get a meal or stay in and cook.

Well as you may know, I do 99% of all the cooking and I had no real interest in cooking at this time so it was an easy decision to go out.

There are still plenty of places open for dinner, some busier than others for sure, and we walk towards the Parque Envigado and in a matter of a few minutes find a place with some locals enjoying themselves and so we walk in.

A waiter ushers us to a table and produces a couple of menus. Not being able to decipher much we order something with a few hand signals and a couple of beers.

Colombian dinner at Asados

Colombian dinner at Asados Bartolos


A bowl of thick brown bean soup arrives and we begin, it is very tasty like all our meals so far. Not sure how all these beans are going to affect us, lol.

The main plate that we are sharing is placed before us, it has rice, chips, a fried egg, small salad, mince, a very crunchy piece of pork with crackle, a chorizio sausage and another sausage that is like black pudding in colour but isn’t, oh and a fried piece of banana called plantain.

The original Colombian meal

A typical Colombian meal


We dive in and enjoy all the different flavours, I think the chorizo was the best bit, the crispy pork was nice but a lot of crispy fat for me (perfect if you like that). Not sure that we would choose this particular meal again. Anyway it was cheap at $13.11 AUD including the two beers.




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